Strategy development is a key

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 Documenting the audience

helps you identify the right influencers. It also helps the influencers understand who they are trying to reach. Influencer types, tiers and selection criteria Who do you want to engage with for your influencer program? time to review the type of influencer you Taiwan Mobile Number List will want to reach out to for involvement in your campaign. This is not the time to create a full list of influencers. Instead, set your focus by deciding if you want to include thought leaders, niche experts, practitioners or internal influencers, and what percentage of the total for each profile.

 This is also a time to set

your selection criteria. Beyond the type of influencer, what do they HT Lists need to be talking about? What can’t they be talking about? What platforms are they active on? These are just a few of the questions you should address in the strategy. And, don’t forget to consider employees or executive leadership into your mix. Social media posts from employees, that are personalized, generate % more engagement than brand content.

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